The 2nd Edition of the Graduate Textbook on Flow Chemistry is available now!

The textbook constitutes an updating of the highly successful first edition of Flow Chemistry. It recognises the worldwide uptake of continuous flow technologies and its impact on modern synthesis programs. The two volumes takes the reader through the fundamentals and equipment availability to the principles of reaction design, control and analysis and on to aspects downstream processing towards a wide range of applications leading to a future vision for the area. The work is suitable for both those new to Flow Chemistry and also for and those wishing to gain further expertise while advancing their skillset. The aim is to inspire new synthesis practices for the betterment of all who are involved in the assembly of our functional materials.


Dr. Ferenc Darvas is an Associate professor at the Florida International University Miami, Fellow of the American Chemical Society with 30 years of experience in microfluidics/flow chemistry methodologies. Current research interest is in space chemistry. Founder and President of the Flow Chemistry Society.

Prof. György Dormán is a Honorary Professor at University of Szeged, and a consultant of InnoStudio Inc./Thalesnano Inc. He holds many research positions in pharma industry and academic institutes, member of the editorial board of numerous journals.

Prof. Volker Hessel studied chemistry at Mainz University/D and is Deputy Dean (Research) and Professor at the University of Adelaide/AUS. He develops continuous-flow process concepts as well as their applications and sustainability assessment.

Prof. Steven V. Ley is a professor of chemistry at the University of Cambridge (UK) with 50 years of experience in synthetic organic chemistry. Current research interests are in Flow Chemistry and greater sustainability through machine enabled processes.

From the Contents:


  • Designed for students and learners in chemistry and chemical engineering
  • Flow chemistry has set new industrial standard in continuous pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing
  • Informs about fundamentals of flow chemistry to reveal its disruptive nature


  • Designed for students and learners in chemistry and chemical engineering
  • Flow chemistry has set new industrial standard in continuous pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing
  • Informs about the capability of flow chemistry to transform real-world application capability

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2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry

2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry

The 2020 IUPAC-Thalesnano Prize for Flow Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Timothy Noël (UvA – University of Amsterdam) for his outstanding work and creative scientific contribution at the interface of chemistry and chemical engineering, pioneering novel continuous-flow catalytic strategies and technologies for organic synthesis. The award ceremony will be held at FROST8 in Budapest, Hungary on 28 October 2021

The impact factor (IF) 2020 of Journal of Flow Chemistry is 2.786.

The impact factor (IF) 2020 of Journal of Flow Chemistry is 2.786.

The Journal of Flow Chemistry, the periodical of the Flow Chemistry Society published by Akadémiai Kiadó, was selected for coverage in the Science Citation Index in February, 2013. The quarterly journal was launched in August 2011, which means that the official impact factor was reached within two years.

Dr. Timothy Noel (TU/e) has become the new EiC of the journal

Dr. Timothy Noel (TU/e) has become the new EiC of the journal

The Flow Chemistry Society has named Dr. Timothy Noel from Eindhoven University of Technology as the new Editor in Chief of Journal of Flow Chemistry, joined by 3 new Associate Editors: Dr. Jean-Christophe Monbaliu (ULiège), Dr. Norbert Kockmann (TU Dortmund) and Dr. Shawn Collins (UMontréal).