“Flow chemistry fills the gap in graduate education by covering chemistry and reaction principles along with the current practice, including examples of relevant commercial reaction, separation, automation, and analytical equipment. The Editors of Flow Chemistry are commended for having taken the inititative to bring together experts from the field. It promisies to become a useful study text and as well as reference for the graduate students and practitioners of flow chemistry.”
Professor Klavs Jensen
Ferenc Darvas: Associate professor at the Florida International University Miami. Founder and President of the Flow Chemistry Society
György Dormán: Professor at the University of Szeged. Chair of the scientific innovation at ThalesNano
Volker Hessel: Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology for the chair of Micro Flow Chemistry and Process technology
From the Contents:
Fundamentals principles of controlling Reactions // Toolbox for Flow Chemistry – targeting industrieal needs // Applications Catalysis in Flow // Engineering for Catalysis in Flow // Photochemistry in Flow // Electrochemistry in Flow // Flow chemistry for synthesis of materials // flow chemistry for nanotechnology // Process Design and Evaluation of Flow Chemistry