CME NASA Sustainability Conference
Space Chemistry Roundtable

ACS Fall 2022: CME NASA Sustainability Conference – Space Chemistry Roundtable

at the UChicago Rubenstein Forum on Tuesday, August 23rd at 3:05 – 4:35 pm

Panelists: Dr. Ferenc Darvas, Dr. James Green, Ms. Jana Stoudemire, Dr. Ken Savin


    Welcome – Dr. Ferenc Darvas, Dr. James Green, Ms. Jana Stoudemire, Dr. Ken Savin

  • General introduction (15 minutes)

Building A Roadmap for Space Chemistry Applications

Dr. Ferenc Darvas Executive Chairman, InnoStudio Inc. & SpaceMedChem, Inc.

NASA Space Chemistry Exploration Needs

Dr. James Green, previously NASA Chief Scientist – Space Chemistry to Support Exploration

The Developing LEO Economy

Ms. Jana Stoudemire, Axiom Space, Commercial Innovation – Access & Commercial Space Stations

Industrial/Commercial Space Chemistry Initiatives

Dr. Ken Savin, Redwire, Chief Scientist – Chemical Processes in Microgravity Benefits & Challenges

  • Roundtable discussion (60 minutes)

(Lead: Dr. Ferenc Darvas, Executive Chairman, InnoStudio Inc. & SpaceMedChem Inc.)

1) Thoughts on focus areas that should be pursued; new areas to be explored/ considered

  1. Pharmaceuticals, Advanced Materials, Others: Exploring the need for standard chemical laboratories in Space, broader issues of standardization
    1. Most impactful POC for each focus area

Benefits and constraints of working in microgravity

  • Required capabilities for conducting chemistry in space
    • What’s available/needed to support generating POC
    • Major bottlenecks that need to be removed.
    • Timing for execution of POC missions
  • Priorities for utilizing current ISS capabilities and future commercial provider platforms for development of chemistry in space
    • Near term opportunities using existing capabilities
    • Longer-term development priorities
  • Opportunities for collaboration between commercial providers, NASA and other government agencies, academic institutions and industry partners
    • Thoughts on best models
      • Pre-competitive consortia (Space Chemistry Consortium experiences and perspectives)
  • Validation studies for commercial applications involving individual / multiple partners?
    • Near term and longer-term opportunities to explore space chemistry applications for exploration
  • Summary and Next Steps (15 minutes)

Discover More

2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry

2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry

The 2020 IUPAC-Thalesnano Prize for Flow Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Timothy Noël (UvA – University of Amsterdam) for his outstanding work and creative scientific contribution at the interface of chemistry and chemical engineering, pioneering novel continuous-flow catalytic strategies and technologies for organic synthesis. The award ceremony will be held at FROST8 in Budapest, Hungary on 28 October 2021

The impact factor (IF) 2020 of Journal of Flow Chemistry is 2.786.

The impact factor (IF) 2020 of Journal of Flow Chemistry is 2.786.

The Journal of Flow Chemistry, the periodical of the Flow Chemistry Society published by Akadémiai Kiadó, was selected for coverage in the Science Citation Index in February, 2013. The quarterly journal was launched in August 2011, which means that the official impact factor was reached within two years.

Dr. Timothy Noel (TU/e) has become the new EiC of the journal

Dr. Timothy Noel (TU/e) has become the new EiC of the journal

The Flow Chemistry Society has named Dr. Timothy Noel from Eindhoven University of Technology as the new Editor in Chief of Journal of Flow Chemistry, joined by 3 new Associate Editors: Dr. Jean-Christophe Monbaliu (ULiège), Dr. Norbert Kockmann (TU Dortmund) and Dr. Shawn Collins (UMontréal).